Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrIsabelBicoUniversidade de ÉvoraPortugalDecision-making and Problem-solvingEnfermagemBest Researcher Award
MsWantingZhuSchool of Electronic Information, Central South UniversityChinaDecision-making and Problem-solvingChaos, Neuron-like map, Discrete dynamicsBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrHanLiuChina coal technology and engineering groupChinaDecision-making and Problem-solvingFire Response Optimal DecisionBest Researcher Award
DrQijieLiWest China Hospital of Sichuan UniversityChinaInnovative LeadershipTrack 14Best Researcher Award
DrIgnacioAmat SantosUniversity Clinic Hospital of ValladolidSpainInnovative LeadershipFormación y gestión de equipos de investigación clínicaBest Researcher Award
Prof DrAnissaLOUNES - HADJ SAHRAOUIUNIVERSITÉ DU LITTORAL CÔTE D'OPALE (ULCO)FranceOthersAgroécologie/mycorhizes/plantes aromatiques/huiles essentielles/zones aridesExcellence in Research
DrAleksandraKravtsovaKutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of SciencesRussiaAuthentic Leadership-Best Scholar Award
MrYan'linJinChongqing univercityChinaInnovative Leadershipsmart carBest Researcher Award
ProfSujuanHuKunming UniversityChinaInnovative LeadershipEnergy conversion and storageBest Innovation Award
DrSalihNacarBandırma Onyedi Eylül UniversityTurkeyDecision-making and Problem-solvingproblem-solvingBest Researcher Award
Prof DrFLAVIAMARTINELLOUFSCBrazilRisk ManagementPatient SafetyBest Researcher Award
MrIlyasBENKHIRASaad dahlab university of Blida1AlgeriaOthersPreparation and characterization of amidated pectin-gelatin-oxidized tannic acid hydrogel films supplemented with in-situ reduced silver nanoparticles for wound-dressing applications.Best Researcher Award
DrhaiyanjiangDepartment of Intelligent Equipment, Shandong University of Science & Technology, Tai-anChinaTeam Building and Team ManagementTeam BuildingBest Researcher Award
ProfJenniferWenUniversity of SurreyUnited KingdomRisk ManagementBattery safety and risk managementBest Researcher Award
MrmohammadSatarzadehHormozgan medical science universityIranTeam Building and Team Managementproject workExcellence in Research
DrMuhammadShafiqShantou University Medical CollegeChinaAuthentic LeadershipSenior ResearcherBest Researcher Award
MrPeiyuCaothe Affiliated Brain Hospital of Nanjing Medical UniversityChinaAdaptive LeadershipDynamic management of psychiatric research projectsBest Researcher Award
DrJiaxingSongMPIDSGermanyOthersFluid mechanicsBest Researcher Award
MrsElenaCastaño CascoUniversidad de HuelvaSpainInnovative LeadershipFísica, medida del coeficiente de difusión del radónBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrEdinNevzatiDenver Health and Hospital AuthorityUnited StatesOthersBest Researcher AwardBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for


4th Edition Of International Research Awards on leadership and Management


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