Prof Dr. Lingjun Li | Analytical Chemistry | Best Researcher Award
University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
🔗 Professional Profiles
Dr. Lingjun Li is a distinguished professor specializing in bioanalytical chemistry with a focus on mass spectrometry. Her pioneering work in neurochemistry and proteomics has earned her numerous accolades, including being named one of the Top 100 Most Influential Analytical Scientists. She currently holds multiple prestigious positions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is actively involved in various interdisciplinary training programs.
🎓 Ph.D. in Chemistry
🗓️ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1995-2000)
🔬 Analytical and Biomolecular Chemistry
🎓 B.E. in Chemistry
🗓️ Beijing University of Technology, China (1987-1992)
🌱 Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Professional Experience
👩🔬 Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemistry
🗓️ 2014-Present
🏫 University of Wisconsin-Madison
👩🏫 Charles Melbourne Johnson Distinguished Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences
🗓️ 2018-2023
🏫 University of Wisconsin-Madison
👩🏫 Janis Apinis Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences
🗓️ 2016-2018
🏫 University of Wisconsin-Madison
👩🔬 Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemistry
🗓️ 2012-Present
🏫 University of Wisconsin-Madison
👩🔬 Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemistry
🗓️ 2008-2012
🏫 University of Wisconsin-Madison
👩🔬 Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemistry
🗓️ 2002-2008
🏫 University of Wisconsin-Madison
👩🔬 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
🗓️ 2000-2002
🔬 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Brandeis University, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Interests
🧬 Bioanalytical Chemistry
🧠 Neurochemistry
💉 Biological Mass Spectrometry
🔍 Neuropeptides, Proteomics, Peptidomics
💊 Metabolomics, Lipidomics, Glycomics
Dr. Li’s research focuses on developing novel mass spectrometry methodologies to study neuropeptides and their role in neural circuits and behavior. Her lab utilizes high-resolution peptide mapping, micro-separation techniques, and bioinformatics tools for large-scale discovery and functional analysis of neuropeptides. She also explores neuropeptide distribution using mass spectrometric imaging and in vivo microdialysis sampling, aiming to uncover biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and pancreatic cancer
Publication Top Noted
Paper Title: Mass spectrometry imaging: a review of emerging advancements and future insights
- Authors: Amanda Rae Buchberger, Kellen DeLaney, Jillian Johnson, Lingjun Li
- Source: Analytical chemistry
- Year: 2018
- Citations: 786
Paper Title: Mass spectrometry imaging: a review of emerging advancements and future insights
- Authors: Changsheng Zhang, Byron R Griffith, Qiang Fu, Christoph Albermann, Xun Fu, In-Kyoung Lee, Lingjun Li, Jon S Thorson
- Source: Science
- Year: 2006
- Citations: 325
Paper Title: Single-cell MALDI: a new tool for direct peptide profiling
- Authors: Lingjun Li, Rebecca W Garden, Jonathan V Sweedler
- Source: Trends in biotechnology
- Year: 2000
- Citations: 295
Paper Title: High-throughput proteomics using high-efficiency multiple-capillary liquid chromatography with on-line high-performance ESI FTICR mass spectrometry
- Authors: Yufeng Shen, Nikola Tolić, Rui Zhao, Ljiljana Paša-Tolić, Lingjun Li, Scott J Berger, Richard Harkewicz, Gordon A Anderson, Mikhail E Belov, Richard D Smith
- Source: Analytical Chemistry
- Year: 2001
- Citations: 262
Paper Title: Extracellular matrix scaffold and hydrogel derived from decellularized and delipidized human pancreas
- Authors: Sara Dutton Sackett, Daniel M Tremmel, Fengfei Ma, Austin K Feeney, Rachel M Maguire, Matthew E Brown, Ying Zhou, Xiang Li, Cori O’Brien, Lingjun Li, William J Burlingham, Jon S Odorico
- Source: Scientific Reports
- Year: 2018
- Citations: 258