Dr. Shouji Zhu | Innovative Leadership | Best Researcher Award | 2951

Dr. Shouji Zhu | Innovative Leadership | Best Researcher Award

Hanshan Normal University, China

🔗 Professional Profiles


👨‍🏫 Lecturer: Shouji Zhu
🏫 Institution: Hanshan Normal University
📧 Contact: zsj82633829@126.com; +86 14739135374
🔬 Research: Purification, structural modification, and biological activity of natural products


  • 🎓 Doctorate: Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China

Professional Experience

  • 👨‍🏫 Current Position: Lecturer, Hanshan Normal University
  • 🔬 Projects: National natural fund, provincial natural fund, and other research projects

Research Interests

  • 🌱 Purification of Natural Products
  • 🔬 Structural Modification of Natural Products
  • 🧬 Biological Activity of Natural Products


Dr. Zhu’s recent research involves utilizing bagasse, an industrial waste, as a catalyst support material. This innovative approach not only enhances the economic value of bagasse but also promotes sustainable development and green chemistry by simplifying the catalyst recovery process and reducing resource waste. ♻️🌿

Proofs and Declaration

Academic/Research Links: DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.133549
ID/Certificate Links:

Award Category Preference: Best Researcher Award


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Nominator Signature/Name:
Date: July 09, 2024