Dr. Sahar Zaidi-Visionary Leadership-Excellence in Research
Jamia Hamdard-India
Author Profile
Early Academic Pursuits
Sahar Zaidi embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor's in Physiotherapy from Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, where she delved into topics like Retrolisthesis, showcased through a review article in the Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine. This laid the foundation for her Master's in Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) at the same institution, securing first position with a notable project on the correlation of peak torque and grip strength in type 2 diabetics. Her academic prowess was further recognized when her project was published as a book chapter in the proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science.
Professional Endeavors
Sahar's professional journey has been marked by a commitment to education and patient care. Her roles as an Assistant Professor at Jamia Hamdard and Centre for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, showcase her dedication to teaching and mentoring future physiotherapists. Her expertise in areas like Advanced Therapeutics, Orthopedic Manual Therapy, and Clinical Orthopedics has been instrumental in shaping the next generation of physiotherapy professionals. Additionally, her stint as a physiotherapist at the Centre for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences highlights her hands-on experience in patient assessment and treatment.
Contributions and Research Focus
Sahar's research interests span diverse areas such as breast cancer rehabilitation, functional limitations due to low back pain, and psychometric properties of self-reported questionnaires. Her contributions extend beyond academia; she actively participates in conferences, workshops, and webinars, showcasing her commitment to staying updated with the latest advancements in her field. Her attendance at events like the International Conference and Workshop of Physical Therapy at AIIMS and workshops on topics like neuro-developmental treatment and manual therapy underline her continuous pursuit of knowledge.
Accolades and Recognition
Sahar Zaidi's contributions have been recognized through various awards and accolades. Her exemplary contribution to the national conference "Physio Bharat 2022" earned her an award, showcasing her impact in the physiotherapy community. She received a Certificate of Honour for her role as a chairperson at the same conference, further solidifying her reputation as a leader in her field. Additionally, accolades like the Teacher's Appreciation Award and Community Service Award highlight her dedication to both professional excellence and societal impact.
Impact and Influence on Visionary Leadership
Sahar's influence extends beyond her immediate professional circles. Her participation in conferences and webinars related to COVID-19 reflects her adaptability and readiness to address contemporary challenges. By staying engaged with topics like the impact of lockdowns on personal and professional life and the role of technology in sustainable development, she showcases a holistic approach to healthcare that considers societal, technological, and global factors.
Furthermore, Sahar's vision extends beyond academia as she actively engages in community outreach programs and initiatives that aim to improve healthcare access and awareness. Her leadership in organizing and participating in national conferences and events demonstrates her ability to bring together diverse perspectives and drive meaningful change in the physiotherapy landscape. Overall, Sahar Zaidi's visionary leadership inspires others in the field to embrace innovation, collaboration, and a patient-centered approach, paving the way for transformative impact and progress in physiotherapy.
Legacy and Future Contributions
Looking ahead, Sahar Zaidi's legacy lies in her multifaceted contributions to physiotherapy education, patient care, research, and community service. Her vision to establish the efficacy of physiotherapy in unexplored conditions sets the stage for future breakthroughs in the field. Through her continuous learning, leadership qualities, and commitment to evidence-based practice, she paves the way for a new generation of physiotherapists equipped to tackle emerging healthcare challenges.
Sahar Zaidi embodies visionary leadership in the field of physiotherapy through her multifaceted approach to education, patient care, and research. As an Assistant Professor, she not only imparts knowledge to students but also instills in them a vision for evidence-based practice and compassionate patient care. Her proactive participation in workshops, conferences, and webinars showcases her commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements in physiotherapy, enabling her to guide students and colleagues with a forward-thinking mindset.
- Citations 72 65
- h-index 5 5
- i10-index 2 2
Notable Publications
- Efficacy of complementary therapies in the quality of life of breast cancer survivors
- Effects of scapular stabilization and upper limb proprioception as an adjunct to cervical stabilization in chronic neck pain patients: A randomized controlled trial
- Immediate and long-term effectiveness of Proprioceptive neuromuscular Facilitation and static stretching on joint range of motion, flexibility, and electromyographic activity …
- Transcultural adaptation and validation of Hindi version of Quebec back pain disability scale
- Pelvic floor dyssynergia: A possible cause for Constipation During And Post Pregnancy
- Retrolisthesis: an update
- Shoulder rotator muscle imbalance in collegiate cricket bowlers: Measurement by Isokinetic Dynamometer at different angular velocities
- Overcoming The Unknown: Impact of Covid-19 And Vaccinations Across Generations’