Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrSvetlanaTuzovaFederal Institute of Industrial PropertyRussiaInnovative Leadershipalternative energyLeadership in Technological Advancement Award
MsAgrajaMageshPurdue UniversityIndiaCommunication in LeadershipManufacturing Industry and communication of knowledgeBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrFarshadRakhshandehrooIslamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, IranIranSituational LeadershipPlant pest management- Plant virologyBest Researcher Award
MrMUHAMMADNADEEMVictoria University of WellingtonNew ZealandTransformational LeadershipLeadership and managementExcellence in Leadership and Management Award
DrZuoluWangUniversity of HuddersfieldUnited KingdomInnovative LeadershipMechanical and electrical engineeringBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrSachin KumarSrivastavaIndian Institute of Technology RoorkeeIndiaTeam Building and Team ManagementPhysics/Photonics/Plasmonic SensorsBest Researcher Award
ProfSuzanneCarringtonQueensland University of TechnologyAustraliaEthical LeadershipTransformative Leadership for inclusionExcellence in Leadership and Management Award
ProfM.E.MedhatNuclear Research CenterChinaAuthentic LeadershipHead of nuclear researchOutstanding Scientist Award
MsBilinZhaoGuangdong University of TechnologyChinaVisionary LeadershipScientific researchBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrŞenolÇelikBingol University Faculty of Agriculture Bingol-TürkiyeTurkeyOthersStatistics, BiometricsBest Researcher Award
MrZiquanWangBeijing Institute of TechnologyChinaDecision-making and Problem-solvingUAV swarm decision-makingBest Researcher Award
DrHariOmSinghICMR-National AIDS Research Institute, PuneIndiaDecision-making and Problem-solvingGuiding about Genetic variations associated population based therapyBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMudassarRaufWenzhou UniversityChinaInnovative LeadershipLeadership and ManagementBest Researcher Award
DrGajendra SinghChawdaUniversity of Michigan-DearbornUnited StatesDecision-making and Problem-solvingAddressing Renewable Energy Penetration Challenges in Rural Grids through Adaptive Reactive Power ManagementExcellence in Leadership and Management Award
DrLipingZhangThe Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)ChinaInnovative Leadership创新交叉(荧光材料、递药系统、环境影响)Women Researcher Award
MrTimothyAvordehUniversity of Professional Studies, AccraGhanaDecision-making and Problem-solvingMy subject area specialization is in Sustainable Energy Engineering Management, with a focus on Energy Modeling and Demand Response. Also, my service area specialization encompasses fields related to sustainable energy management, financial engineering, and mathematics, with expertise in areas such as: • Sustainable Energy Engineering Management • Energy Modeling • Demand Response • Financial Engineering • Mathematical Modeling • Development of Critical Thinking Processes among studentsBest Researcher Award
MrAbrahamWoruArba Minch universityEthiopiaRisk ManagementFood InsecurityBest Faculty Award
Assist Prof DrZienabAhmedunited arab emirates universityUnited Arab EmiratesInnovative LeadershipAgricultureBest Paper Award
Assist Prof DrStanislavYankovskyTomsk Polytechnic UniversityRussiaInnovative LeadershipGeothermal energy/electricity/populationBest Researcher Award
DrSamuthira PandiVChennai Institute of TechnologyIndiaInnovative Leadership5G / 6G / Wireless NetworksBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
